Sunday 5 December 2010

Better Late Than Never

Right. So finally I am going to get to putting up some photos. Possibly two months later than when I originally planned to. But hey... screw you.
Carnival is the theme for today...

Other than colour, there is a lot of food. Poor guy was probably there all day. And this was taken at 11 in the morning.

This woman is cool. That is all.

You may have cottoned on to the fact that I like taking photos of groups of policemen.

This guy was cooking and looked like he was taking a break. I'm not sure if I should've cropped the no entry sign out of it, and just had the graffiti.

It could almost be fog. The sheer number of BBQs leads to this kind of thing.

I like how the police are just completely ignoring her, like it's completely normal.

"What's up?", "Just chillin'".

So many many people. I like the slightly washed look of this.

I just like this photo.
It kind of shows how people are just doing their thing and having a good time.