Thursday 3 February 2011

Our Forests The Pylons of High Tension Wires

Street level: Slightly more interesting...

After my trip around Bristol, and taking photos of random, yet eye catching graffiti, I have started paying way more attention to little things you tend to see about cities. In Shanghai it's usually the bicycles that always stick out in my mind, particularly as there isn't a whole lot of street art. Not that there isn't, it's usually just a little harder to see so much. But it's not only that; I think it is also the way you see certain things, juxtaposed to others. There is a sign on a wall I used to walk past fairly regularly in Oxford saying: 

Bill Stickers 
Will Be 

and underneath someone has scrawled 'Bill Stickers is innocent'. It's just one of those things that makes you smile. Unfortunately I never got round to getting a photo of it, but you can see it here

I like things like this. It was written on to the window of a bar/club thing that I walked past. And since I love cities, I'm a bit of a sucker for things like this.

I'm annoyed that this is slightly out of focus, but never mind. I think they are cooking oil and paint canisters, but I honestly have no idea.

Rock on.

With all the buildings, and rather confined space, you get these pretty cool looking short alleys. The fisheye helps I guess.

Same goes for this one really, although, I like this one a little more because of the way the scene is busy just in one corner, but you still get the light coming down across the wall.

I just like the colours here. And the lines look like they might not be parallel.

I always notice these, and I guess that's the point. It's hardly advertising, or maybe it is, and I must confess I always like to read them. This lamp post is at the bottom of a steep set of stairs so you end up fairly close to it, and at eye level.

No Bills, but drawing on the walls is ok obviously.
