Wednesday 12 January 2011

Progress And All That

Ok. The final bit of Hangzhou is more along the lines of things I find curious. I wasn't so much trying to frame photos and make them look kind of pretty and all that. More just having a nose around. 

There isn't so much to tell about this picture. I was using 200ASA film, which I think I am not too fond of,  if I am being honest. The images are kind of bland. But then the above picture is generally kind of grey. What is interesting, and will become more apparent, is what's in the bottom right corner. 

Obviously there is a big to do about how the Chinese just develop things without regard to people who live in the places where this development is supposed to happen. This is a good example of that. What with the building site, the advertising and the laundry hanging up.

Building sites double as play areas it seems.

I kind of still feel a bit weird taking pictures of people when they are looking right back at you...

... Clearly the guy didn't seem to mind so much. He started waving and having a laugh with his mates.

I am go to be away for a little while in Hong Kong, but will return with some pictures of snow in Shanghai from December, and whatever I come across in HK.