Tuesday 4 January 2011

Last Bit Of Black and White (For Now)

Happy New Year and all that. I meant to get this up a couple of days ago, but due to some overzealous celebrating I found myself generally unwilling to stare at a computer screen (or bright lights in general) for too long. These are going to be my last few b&w shots from Hangzhou. Sort of. I have more, but they are technically from Xiaoshan. Will do them at some other point - they are of a different lake and it's all a bit much for now.

That's a famous pagoda in the background. I never actually got round to seeing it up close, and I probably should have done, but the view is nice. Not really sure what's going on with the light on the left. Might be the sun and pollution doing crazy things.

This could be split into two separate photos. It might be better like that - the couple asleep on the bench, and the man looking through the guide book.

I'm not sure what this kid was actually doing. Or more why he was doing it. He was picking up these things from beneath the a tree and putting them in a bag. As you do.


This I'm quite happy with. I may crop the bit on the left out and just have the boat and bit out on the water. It's silhouetted nicely.

There is a little bit of a different attitude to street performance here. It is given a lot more reverential respect, rather than people just having a gander and chucking money in a hat. 

You can kind of get the idea of how many people were about if you look to the right.

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